Foster Care Backpack Drive - Stuffing Event

10,000+ kids are in foster care in Mass. Fostering Care seeks to support children in foster care and their foster families by providing basic necessities and personal care items.
10,000+ kids are in foster care in Mass. Fostering Care seeks to support children in foster care and their foster families by providing basic necessities and personal care items.
On February 28th from 12 to 2:30 pm at Shaws of North Beverly and Stop and Shop on Elliot St., a group of six grade students from Briscoe Middle School will be accepting donations for their shampoo drive. The students are part of a group called Destination Imagination. This is a club that works on team building and problem solving. These students will be competing in a tournament in March and they must complete a community service challenge. This year, the DI group is partnering with Beverly Bootstraps to host a shampoo drive.
Donate your warm winter used clothing and other items in Rockport. Kids clothing and winter coats are in high demand this time of year, and your contribution can really make a big difference in somebody's life! Bring your donations to the Rockport Transfer Station or Smith Ace Hardware.